Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Catherine Corley - Thanks for Comforting Me!

Yesterday, I had one of the worst days ever.  I was being hit from every direction and I never even left the house.  I have a week to go before a major medical test, my new medicines that are supposed to be helping me are making me sick in such a major way, I have fallen down the steps, my legs give out without notice, I can't exercise more than 20 minutes, sometimes I can't speak in actual words (which my family doesn't seem to mind!), my head pounds, my blood pressure is so high (where it is usually so low) that I can hear my heart beating in my head when I try to sleep and the worst side effect of all, I'm adjusting to HORMONES!  You get it!  Everything I touched broke, everything I did failed, and every time I tried to speak, not only did my words get mixed up, but so did my emotions!  I ended up in a pile on the floor crying my eyes out.

My wonderful son tried to help when I saw him.  He gave me the "Momma, you have overcome so much more than this in the last ten years!  Nothing can break you!" speech.  Lots of hugs followed, I thought I was going to be all right!

But then the waves of fear and emotion struck again, this time with yelling (from me, by the way, it was like I was being overtaken by aliens) and the whole "why me stuff."  I think that might be one of the steps in the grieving process.  Oh, and the answer to "Why me?" is "Why not me?  Who would I wish this on?  NO ONE!  So, yes me."  But moving on.  Easy to say now.

My sweet cousin, Ruth, spent the evening in my sitting room, listening to me intermittently crying, complaining, analyzing and then laughing silly while watching episodes of the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" on DVD.  She never passed judgment.  She just sat there latch hooking a rug and laughing at the show.  What would I do without my family?

The best part, I reached out on Facebook and a bunch of my friends sent me encouragement, love, happy thoughts, emails, text messages (on my not-so-smart phone) and verses.  Thank you for that!  I was able to sleep on and off during the night...did I mention I have had a cold now for almost two weeks?  But my thoughts weren't nearly as gloomy.  I felt comforted and I felt loved...so loved!  I have a wonderful group of friends, an awesome family and the comfort of an amazing God.

The verses that came into my head this morning were 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.  He comforts us so we can comfort those in any trouble!  Wow!  That's so great!  We learn from being comforted.

I pray today, that from the comfort I received from God and my friends yesterday, that I will be fully ready to comfort someone in need today.  

I am thankful for a new day and the feeling of comfort I have.

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