Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Catherine Corley - Get On Your Feet!

Hi there, friends!  Well, we are half way through the month of January already!  Did you make a resolution to lose weight?  Eat healthier?  Be healthier?  Exercise?  How's that working out for you?

Last year, I made those resolutions and I kept them.  Besides that whole tumor surgery thing, I think it went pretty well.  And, bonus, even that made me healthier!  My heart and blood pressure are already so much stronger!  So all things work together for good.

My problem is getting back into a full workout routine and avoiding junk food while I am recovering.  I started my workouts back up as soon as the doctor said I should.  Yay me!  That was hard and it took a little Vicodin to get through each of them, but I have done them.  The doctor's office said, sadly, most people don't even try.  I am also trying to avoid the temptation of junk food while I recuperate here at home.  It's been a week now.  I should be able to resume most normal activities like driving and leaving the house in the next couple of days.

This recuperation time has given me a slow-down time where I can really focus on goals and who I want to be in this new awesome stage in my life.  My list of things I want to accomplish this year and who I want to be is quite long at this point.  God has kept me on this planet yet again, so there must be a reason.  I thought maybe this Cat had used up her nine lives, but apparently not.

So what are you going to do today that is healthy, I ask you?  Did you make some resolutions, like I asked before?  Are you still trying?  It's amazing to me how, a place like Weight Watchers, will be so crowded the first week of January, but by the first week in February, for the most part only the hardcore people are still there.  My cousin, Ruth, and I belong to Weight Watchers and we have missed the month of January so far because of my surgery, but I am anxious to see who is there next time we go.  I wonder how many new faces will be sitting next to our familiar friends.

So if you are having trouble sticking to your goals, let's take them in baby steps.  Try just focusing on one day at a time or one meal at a time.  Try to get in your exercise every other day if you can't do it six days a week (with a day to rest).  Try eating healthier foods.  I am more than 50 pounds less than I was this time last year, but I hate hate hate vegetables.  I hate most salad dressings.  I forget to eat my fruits.  Ruth makes fun of me, but I would rather be hungry sometimes.  But this year, especially after what I have been through in the last couple of months, I am eating a rainbow of colored fruits and vegetables each day.  I am thanking God for the different nutrients found in those foods.  I also plan to start cooking more, now that I should have more energy, and I want the foods to be "clean" foods.  I have been reading everything I can on clean eating during this down time.

Since I have had this surgery, and one of my final obstacles is GONE, I plan to eat healthy foods 90% of the time and I plan to be on my feet!  Our bodies weren't made to be inactive.  They were made to move.  Set a timer if you are watching too much TV to remind yourself to get up and move around or do some crunches.  I hula hoop while watching TV (when I haven't just had major surgery).  I have a weighted hula hoop and I use it while I am emptying my DVR.  Exercise during commercials.  Be more active.  

Every time Ruth and I are faced with a huge challenge (like the day we had to cut up a fallen tree together), I ask her, "How do you eat an elephant?"  And she replies, "One bite at a time!"  So break down your goals into small goals that you can achieve and don't give up!  And, don't eat an elephant if you are trying to lose weight!  Smirk.

Be healthy, be strong and believe!


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