Friday, November 30, 2012

Catherine Corley - Endurance With Joy

"[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy."  Colossians 1:11 (Amplified)

A couple of days ago, I received some distressing news from my doctor.  I have to wait until December 17 to even have the test done to confirm or disprove the speculations about my health and then wait several more days for an answer and/or analysis.  

As usual, the Lord sent me the right verse on the right day.  It happens all the time!  I read Colossians 1:11 in every version of the Bible I could and, although I usually prefer the NIV translation, in this instance, I am claiming my verse in the Amplified translation because it is a BIG problem and I need an AMPLIFIED answer while I wait!  

So I am going to dissect my verse, as I usually do, and look up definitions, as I usually do, only this time with you.  Don't blame me, blame my mother.  She was an editor and we used to dissect sentences, conjugate verbs and discuss grammar and usage while driving in the car...didn't everybody?  You didn't?  Oh, but I learned a lot from that amazing lady!  She wouldn't have liked some of the incomplete sentences to follow, but she would have understood the point I am trying to make.

Let's break it down, shall we?  

We pray that you may be invigorated--filled with life and energy.  That sounds good!  I especially like feeling energetic.

We pray that you may be strengthened--of great moral power, firmness and courage--with ALL power.  I could use that!  

According to the might of His glory--the physical strength or superior power to do or accomplish the splendor or bliss of Heaven.  Wow, that sounds awesome!  I can barely accomplish my daily to do list.  

To exercise every kind of endurance--the ability or strength to continue or last especially despite fatigue, stress or other adverse conditions.  How?  With every kind of patience--the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like!  Hmmm....without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like...maybe I should write that on my hand!  Just a second...

With perseverance--steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc. especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.  With forbearance--refraining or abstaining from something; patient endurance, self-control.  Self-control?  I've been working on that one!  Maybe He is trying to tell me something!

Finally, here's the powerful ending--with joy!!!  Not with whining, complaining, and crying, but with joy!  Joy, the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something especially good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation!  It makes you want to smile, doesn't it?  

When we go through the rough times, we know God is in control.  We don't have to whine and complain (although I frequently do, I confess).  No, we can hold our heads high and rejoice!  We can feel joy even as we wait on a medical test or wait to find a job or wait for a problem of a loved one to be solved.  Anything!

Again, that gives me HOPE!  I love hope!  And I love writing with exclamation marks!

Have a blessed day and take care of your heart!

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