Friday, November 30, 2012

Catherine Corley - Endurance With Joy

"[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy."  Colossians 1:11 (Amplified)

A couple of days ago, I received some distressing news from my doctor.  I have to wait until December 17 to even have the test done to confirm or disprove the speculations about my health and then wait several more days for an answer and/or analysis.  

As usual, the Lord sent me the right verse on the right day.  It happens all the time!  I read Colossians 1:11 in every version of the Bible I could and, although I usually prefer the NIV translation, in this instance, I am claiming my verse in the Amplified translation because it is a BIG problem and I need an AMPLIFIED answer while I wait!  

So I am going to dissect my verse, as I usually do, and look up definitions, as I usually do, only this time with you.  Don't blame me, blame my mother.  She was an editor and we used to dissect sentences, conjugate verbs and discuss grammar and usage while driving in the car...didn't everybody?  You didn't?  Oh, but I learned a lot from that amazing lady!  She wouldn't have liked some of the incomplete sentences to follow, but she would have understood the point I am trying to make.

Let's break it down, shall we?  

We pray that you may be invigorated--filled with life and energy.  That sounds good!  I especially like feeling energetic.

We pray that you may be strengthened--of great moral power, firmness and courage--with ALL power.  I could use that!  

According to the might of His glory--the physical strength or superior power to do or accomplish the splendor or bliss of Heaven.  Wow, that sounds awesome!  I can barely accomplish my daily to do list.  

To exercise every kind of endurance--the ability or strength to continue or last especially despite fatigue, stress or other adverse conditions.  How?  With every kind of patience--the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like!  Hmmm....without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like...maybe I should write that on my hand!  Just a second...

With perseverance--steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc. especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.  With forbearance--refraining or abstaining from something; patient endurance, self-control.  Self-control?  I've been working on that one!  Maybe He is trying to tell me something!

Finally, here's the powerful ending--with joy!!!  Not with whining, complaining, and crying, but with joy!  Joy, the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something especially good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation!  It makes you want to smile, doesn't it?  

When we go through the rough times, we know God is in control.  We don't have to whine and complain (although I frequently do, I confess).  No, we can hold our heads high and rejoice!  We can feel joy even as we wait on a medical test or wait to find a job or wait for a problem of a loved one to be solved.  Anything!

Again, that gives me HOPE!  I love hope!  And I love writing with exclamation marks!

Have a blessed day and take care of your heart!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Catherine Corley - Where My Hope Lies

"O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption."  Psalm 130:7 (NIV) 

Today, I need to replace the first words to read, “O Cathy, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption."  Today, I need just a little more hope, a little bit of a nudge from the Lord, to get me through this week.  I need to know He is in control.

I have really been pouring my soul into my quiet time with the Lord lately, but the better I think I am becoming, the harder the trials are that are thrown my way.  At least it seems that way--feelings of rejection, constant physical pain, a family member diagnosed with a brain tumor, a bad lab report from my own doctor, people who try me with their difficult attitudes, a sense of loneliness I struggle with even when I am surrounded by people. Oh, and, last but not least, a new Smart Phone that I obviously am not young enough to understand!  Why don't they make "remedial phones" like they make bikes with training wheels?  

I have spent the last several weeks feeling like I am in a field with cannons on all sides shooting at me from every direction.  I imagine myself swaying and swerving to avoid the pelting that obviously lies waiting for me at any moment.

I guess we all have weeks like this.  God doesn't promise us an easy life; one of lying on the beach with a pleasant breeze and reading our favorite books.  But sometimes, I truly don't know where I am going.  I feel like I am in the middle of Siberia without a GPS!  And, of course, I haven't learned to use that app on my Smart Phone yet!

But the Bible promises us hope and our hope is in the Lord.  1 Peter 1:21 (NIV) says, “Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope in are God."

So today, I sit here, knowing surely and securely that my hope is in God.  I tell myself over and over again that this storm shall pass.  Although I know full well, even after this storm passes, another one is lurking out in the distance.  But there is another answer in Psalm 39:7 (NIV) “But now, Lord, what do I look for?  My hope is in you.”  My hope is in Him!  He who made me and sustains me, through sickness and sorrow, He is my rock and my foundation.

Even on days when I feel I am nothing more than a speck of dust, about to be sucked up by the vacuum cleaner, the Lord loves me, He cares for me and He gives me the one thing that will take me to tomorrow…HOPE!

May He give you the feeling of hope no matter what your day holds.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Simple Paths Forward - What It's All About

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6

Why did I start this blog today?  I have been thinking about starting a new blog for some time now, but today seemed the perfect day.  I have been handed more than I thought I could handle in the last week (over Thanksgiving week as a matter of fact) and I know today is the perfect day to begin a new path.  A new blog with a new attitude, to be more precise.

Sometimes I forget that I need to reach out and share in the midst of a crisis.  Other times, I think I don't shut my mouth for a second.  Lately, I think it has been a combination of both.  So my blog will be a way for me to truly express myself and I hope you will give me feedback and express yourselves as well.  We are all in this world together.

My life is pretty ordinary.  I live in a nice house in the suburbs.  I haven't worked outside the house since I quit my job at a large law firm to take care of my father for three years until he passed away in 2010.  I lost my mother to cancer ten years almost to the day before I lost my father.  

After my round-the-clock care giving days ended, I really didn't know what direction my life should take, so I didn't take any direction!  Most of my days were pretty ordinary.  My children are in their twenties and they don't need me very often, but they love me all the time and I love them!  Each day seemed pretty much the same, that is until I got an unexpected addition to our family.

No, not a new baby at 46 years of age.  But a lovely, caring adult cousin with special needs who was added to my family and my home.  Ruth is a 42-year-old who brought with her her own set of requirements and concerns.  She lives courageously with mild cerebral palsy, epilepsy and learning disabilities.  She also came to me complete with one of the nation's biggest health problems, morbid obesity.

Now that I have mentioned her "disabilities," let me tell you Ruth's "abilities!"  I will name just a few, because there is only so much space!  She is the bravest person I know.  She is also the brightest, cheeriest, warmest, kindest and best person I have ever met.  She has courage beyond measure and strength to do what others wouldn't even try.  I am blessed to be her cousin. 

Ruth also has the best memory of anyone I ever met.  She can listen to a CD and remember most of the words after the first time and sing along the next time in the car while I mess up all the words even though I've owned the CD for years!  She doesn't forget anything.  If you told Ruth to call you on such-and-such a date, say six months from now, to remind you to make a doctor's appointment, she would not only remember and call you, but more than likely, you would probably have forgotten the purpose of her call.  She is spectacular!

We now have new challenges that Ruth and I face together and individually.  For instance, I just finished my weight loss journey (if you can ever consider yourself "finished" since it is ongoing) and she has just begun hers.  

We spend our days together and look for ways we can help each other and people around us.  Ruth has the most giving heart I have ever seen.  She loves to help touch the lives of people.  I think she does that automatically just by being herself, but in addition, she looks for ways she can purposely touch people's lives and bless their hearts too.

I want this to be about paths.  Paths we all take whether we are prepared for them or not.  Sometimes those paths are so unfamiliar we don't know whether to sit down and cry or run like a maniac to find our way!  You may be a new parent.  Maybe you are part of the sandwich generation like I was--taking care of children and a parent or two.  Maybe you are an empty nester.  Maybe you, too, have a challenged child or adult family member.  Or perhaps you just need a little more sanity in your life, your home, your food habits, your job or your relationships.  

Let's get on the path and move forward simply together.